Geolocation Technology is Changing the World

  • Technology
  • Read in: 5 mins
  • by: Charles Good

Geolocation is a technology that uses data acquired from an individual’s computer or mobile device to identify or describe the user’s actual location. Two types of data can be collected—device-based information and passive server-based lookup. This is then cross-referenced against each other to create the most accurate result.

Geolocation services have been taking the business world by storm. Micro-Fencing™ is Digital Factory’s next-generation geo-fencing technology. Geofencing enables the definition of a virtual fence within which users can receive notifications specific to that time and place, and administrators can know which users are present and for how long. With an accuracy of 5-30 ft., micro-fencing enables a much finer degree of message control than possible with previous geo-fencing technologies. 

There are many benefits and uses to utilizing geolocation services. As a business, you are able to initiate geo-centric advertising because you have information of where many of your clients are coming from – location wise and in terms of time zones and service providers. You are also able to pick up whether you have loyal clients by seeking out common IP addresses, or how often the same IP address may appear. You may find clusters coming from certain areas and can then use that information to appeal to those specific clients through your advertising and products. You can also welcome clients with personalized messages in relation to their location, or offer them a web page translation in the language most often spoken in their particular region, making it more convenient to use your website.

Digital Factory is changing the way companies can use these amazing geolocation services to improve their companies marketing strategy. Digital Factory's geolocation technology allows your company to send the most targeted ads that your customer will be interested in. This allows your company to spend less time and money on marketing while also improving the effectiveness of your advertising.