Tailored Consumer Ads with Digital Factory

  • Technology
  • Read in: 5 mins
  • by: Jiaying (Kelly) Jin

Every day we see hundreds of ads. Whether it is on billboards, on the radio, on TV, or in our email inbox. We have constant access to our cell phones and computers so it is hard to escape the ads. Most of these ads get ignored because the user does not find the ad relevant. It can get tiring seeing all of these ads every day and can make users frustrated. Instead of being helpful, these ads just become a nuisance most of the time. 
With Digital Factory users only receive ads that they will be interested in and that will be useful to them.  Our technology gathers data about the user and based on the data you can learn their habits and lifestyles. Whether they visit a certain store every week or they go to the same coffee shop almost every morning. Our technology will pick up on these trends and then you can send tailored ads to the user.

For example, you could send them an ad for $2 off on a coffee at that coffee shop they go to almost every morning. You are able to truly learn about the user and understand their behaviors and routines so you can send them the perfect ads. This prevents the user from being overwhelmed with ads that they don’t find relevant or helpful. It is important to be specific about what ads you send out, that way you may actually be able to convince them to go into the store and make a purchase.